Different Types Of Hardwood Floors That You Should Know About

The hardwood floor is considered to be the most attractive and popular option in flooring system for residential and commercial properties. 
In the event that you are undertaking a home improvement project and planning to for hardwood floor installation in areas like Town and Country MO, you can never go wrong. Basically, all of the different material and finishes of the hardwood flooring has a unique beauty and goes well with almost every interior house décor. 


Finished Or Unfinished Hardwood Floor

The pre-finished hardwood flooring comes right from the factory. Finished flooring is already sanded and sealed, and they only require to be installed on to the floor. You can choose to hire professional contractors or if you have the skills and enough time, you can do it yourself.

On the other hand, the unfinished hardwood floor is considered to be a better option than the finished hardwood. You have the options to custom stain is before the final finish. You can choose the color of the stain according to the existing ambiance of the interior. 

Unfinished hardwood floor is also considered to be a good choice for flooring in the kitchen, it is like this because after the final finish is applied, the stains ought to seal the seams in between the wooden planks. This will help in preventing the water from seeping inside the board. 

Solid Or Composite Wooden Planks

The solid material hardwood floor is all wood and is available in 5/8 to 3/4 inches thick planks. Since it is made fully from wood, it very well may be sanded and resurfaced many times. Nevertheless, it is still vulnerable to changes in climatic change, and this type of hardwood floor is not suggested for basement cellars. 

Apart from the solid hardwood, the composite hardwood flooring is a facade of the solid wood that is glued to few layers of wood underneath, similar to compressed wood. This gives the composite wood stability after some time and for this particular reason, it is considered a better option for almost any area of your home, including basement storm cellars. Contingent upon the thickness of the hardwood facade, the composite hardwood flooring system must be sanded and restored on more than one occasion amid its lifetime.

What Kind Of Species Is Considered To Be The Best

The best kind of hardwood floors are made with wood species that are promptly available in the market and they have sturdy properties. Maple, Cherry and Oak wooden flooring is considered to be a good choice. Species other than these that include bamboo (which is really a grass), walnut, fiery remains, and mahogany. You will pay an exceptional cost for an outlandish species, for example, Mesquite, Teak, and Jarrah.

It is suggested that for any kind of wood flooring installation you are required to ask for professional help. DIY the installation process might end up in turning the floor into a living nightmare.

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