5 Annoying Carpet Issues and How to Fix Them?

Regardless of how cautious you are, your expensive carpet is going to be stained, shredded and bumpy. Issues will be there definitely but how these issues affect the longevity of your precious carpet depends upon your treatment of these issues. Especially when it comes to oriental and antique rugs, you are supposed to give immediate repair as soon as a tear is there. If remained untreated, these are going to give your carpet a really rough look, thus ruining the appearance of the room overall. Eventually, the time will come when you have to replace your rug, which can be even costly. 

There are a number of professional carpet cleaning companies in Irvine CA that you can hire easily if any serious issue arises. Given below are few home remedies to fix with 5 annoying carpet problems at home. Give it a detailed read and you will thank us later.

Cigarette Burns

You have accidentally dropped your cigar on your rug and now there is this irritating burn spot that you immediately want to get rid of. What you can do is make a paper template, somewhat bigger than the burn, now by using this template, you can remove the damaged section of the carpet. After that take the same size carpet piece from an unnoticeable area of the room and fix it right at the burning place. 

Furniture Dents

If it is an office rug, there might develop furniture indentations due to heavy furniture traffic, destroying its appearance overall. Ironing with the help of a towel can be a solution for these dents and if these dents are still there, you can sprinkle some iron soda and then try ironing using a towel. Hopefully, you will get rid of these furniture indentations.

Shaded Look

If there is heavy foot traffic on a daily basis, chances are there that your carpet starts giving a shaded look because of its surface being flattened after this heavy use. In most cases, it becomes essential to take help of carpet repair companies but you can still try brushing the surface or vacuum the area more often to retain its shine.

Coffee Stains

Coffee stains should be dealt with immediately because once they are dried, it becomes quite hard to remove them. To remove such stains immediately, you better purchase a quality carpet cleaner available in the market. Spray it on the stain for a while, let it blot up all the liquid and then gently brush it.

Fixing Carpet Tear

Carpet tears start appearing often appear where two sections of the carpet are not glued down fittingly. The best solution to this problem is to glue these tears as soon as these are visible. Carpet seam adhesives are easily available in the market. To apply accurately, you can read the label and save your carpet immediately from any further tearing.

Final Thoughts!

Taking good care of your carpet can maximize your chances of preventing your carpet, still, you should be ready for something unexpected and when the matter seems too risky, consider taking help of any professional.

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